Tuesday, October 5, 2010

UPDATE: Glen Ellyn Park District overbudget; no financial reporting reform

The Board learned at the October 5 meeting that our 2010 budget is projected to be overspent by $600,000. Staff could not fully account for the overspending or explain why this money was spent without Board approval. The figures revealing the overspending were buried in our Proposed 2011 Budget information (not available online). The Board was not aware of the problem until I questioned staff at the meeting.

The Board only receives detailed budget or projected spending information once a year- when we discuss the next year's budget. At our September 21 meeting the Board voted down my proposed financial reporting reforms in a 4-3 vote. My motion would have required quarterly detailed budget reports to the Board.

The financial reform motion would have also required that:
  • the vendor name be listed for all voucher requests. GEPD voucher lists for payment require Board approval each month but all payments charged to our credit card show the name of the credit card rather than the name of the vendor to which the payment was made. We typically charge over $30,000 to the credit card each month. The only way to figure the name of the vendor is to call the finance director. The Board voted not to receive this information.
  • whenever any unexpected financial activity occurs, such as funds that are over budget or revenues or expenses are charged to an incorrect account, the Board will receive notification. The Board voted not to receive this information.
  • our monthly budget reports show expenditures and revenues for the month, as currently provided, and also the total amount of money available in the fund. The Board voted to not receive this information.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being involved in our community. Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this job right.

    I really appreciate how you've been one of the few elected officials who seem to care about how our tax dollars our spent.
