Monday, October 27, 2014

Glen Ellyn Park District Plans Lake Ellyn Park Improvements and Boathouse Restoration for 2015

The Glen Ellyn Park District Board of Commissioners voted to engage Conservation Design Forum (CDF) and Farr Associates (Architecture, Planning and Preservation) to begin implementing Phase 2 of the Lake Ellyn Master Plan on October 21, 2014. The $2.7 million improvements, planned for 2015-2016, will concentrate on restoration of the Lake Ellyn Boathouse as well as park areas and amenities. The funding resources were generated through non-referendum funds and operating surplus. Additionally, the Park District is in the process of seeking grants to help offset the cost of the improvements.

The Glen Ellyn Park District initiated development of a master plan for Lake Ellyn Park in July, 2012. This project went through a rigorous and thorough design and development review as the District conducted master planning meetings for the park. Numerous meetings with the neighbors and users of these parks and facilities were held with the Glen Ellyn Park District Board of Commissioners before the Board agreed on a final master plan for the site. After the extensive and inclusive planning process, a master plan was developed for Lake Ellyn Park that represents the communities input and recommendations. The plan was accepted and approved in January, 2013, by the Board. The final plan includes restoration of Lake Ellyn Boathouse.
Since its construction in 1937 as a WPA project, the Lake Ellyn Boathouse has been one of Glen Ellyn's community gems. Over that period of time, the Boathouse has had three additions/modifications including relocating the kitchen, expansion of the mechanical area and interior changes affecting many of the historic elements. The approved master plan recommended restoration and improvements to the existing Boathouse entirely within the footprint of the existing structure. No expansion of any sort is proposed and the capacity for various elements will remain essentially the same as it is today.
As described in the master plan, the Boathouse restoration and the renovation of the entire west side of the park will be done in a way that is compatible with both the historic, traditional setting of the park and with leading-edge, sustainable practices. Permeable pavement, water and energy conservation, ecological landscape enhancements, and other innovative elements will improve the water quality and habitat of the park in a visible way. These green enhancements will serve as a demonstration to the village and the region, and will allow the park to sustain for the next 100 years and beyond.
Lake Ellyn Park Improvement Plan highlights include:
  • Restoration of the Lake Ellyn Boathouse
  • Replacement of all trails on west side of park with permeable materials and creation of nature trails in woodland area
  • Playground replacement
  • Landscape enhancements including tree protection/replacement and naturalized planting
  • Shore stabilization
  • Installation of permeable paved sidewalk on west side of park parallel with Lenox Road

Upgrading Lake Ellyn Park and the Boathouse was identified as a top priority for the Park District in the 2012 Community and Attitude Interest Survey and prioritized by the Park Board of Commissioners. Since the master plan was approved, the Park District has identified funding and pursued implementing the restoration of the Boathouse. At a recent Board Meeting, Farr and Associates and CDF presented preliminary proposals to design and coordinate the restoration of the Lake Ellyn Park and Boathouse with the goal of beginning construction in mid-July, 2015 and completion by May, 2016.
Learn more about Conservation Design Forum:
Learn more about Farr and Associates: