Monday, December 19, 2011

ASFC Roof, 2012 Budget, Dog Park Fence for last 2011 Meeting

At the December 20, 2011 regular board meeting, the Board will discuss the ongoing problems with the roof at the Ackerman Sports and Fitness Center and a plan to permanently fix the roof.

The Board will also vote on the finalized 2012 budget. The Board 2012 budget has a balanced operating budget, per the Board's request earlier in the budget process. The 2012 budget includes additional funds for field maintenance for the many park district sports, funds to upgrade the bathrooms at Sunset pool, funds for equipment to broadcast all park district meetings, and funds to install paths in natural areas and restore the oak savannah at Maryknoll Park. The budget also includes funds to replace the playground at Glen Ellyn Manor Park and repair the roof at Ackerman.

The Board will also vote on a proposal to completely enclose the dog park at the Spring Avenue Recreation Park and install a card swipe system for member to access the park.

For more information, please see the agenda and packet online here.

To receive email notice of all park district meetings, Board news and meeting highlights, click here and enter your email address in the box at the top right of the page.

Glen Ellyn Park District board meetings are always open to the public and are held in the board room at the Spring Avenue Recreation Center at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Used Toy Drive for Children in Rwanda

This is a departure from my usual park-district-only posts, but it is for a good cause!

Rwanda Toy Drive

Forest Glen Brownie Troop 42107 is collecting used toys for children in Rwanda. All donations will be sent to the Aspire Rwanda NGO that runs a woman’s shelter in Kigali, Rwanda. Toys and pencils will be distributed to the children at the shelter and to a network of schools in rural Rwanda affiliated with Aspire Rwanda.

Because of the difficult conditions in Rwanda and the expense in shipping to Africa,we are collecting only these items:

  • Duplo blocks
  • Small plastic animals (like Zoo Tube animals)
  • Polly-Pocket size dolls (no extra accessories please!)
  • Small action figures (no extra accessories please!)
  • Matchbox cars
  • Little People people/animals
  • Tennis balls
  • Pencils
  • Small pencil sharpeners (no battery-operated please!)
  • Matching/Memory games

Please drop off your donation by January 4, 2012.

Look for the Toys for Rwanda donation box:
  • At St. Mark’s Church in the narthex or church office
  • At the Creech Home, 697 Saint Charles Road, at the back door
  • If you have children at Forest Glen School, they can drop off toys in the box in the library.

We would also like to purchase ultra-durable soccer balls for the children. If you are interested in sponsoring a $19 soccer ball, please contact Melissa Creech at Thank you!